
fox gear Learn more about fox gear

  • Four points to pay attention to in raising foxes

    Four points to pay attention to in raising foxes

    Foxes have high economic value. Its main product is large capillaries, which has the advantages of tough and wear-resistant, soft and lightweight, thermal insulation and beautiful appearance. It is a high-quality raw material for making leather collars, hats, mattresses and other fur products. How to raise it reasonably and make it create higher value

    2020-11-08 Breeding foxes need pay attention to four points fox gear have very high
  • There are four points that need to be paid attention to in fox breeding.

    There are four points that need to be paid attention to in fox breeding.

    Foxes have high economic value. Its main product is fox skin, which belongs to large capillar. it has the advantages of tough and wear-resistant, soft and lightweight, thermal insulation and beautiful appearance. It is a high-quality raw material for making fur products such as leather collar, cap, leather mattress and so on. How to raise it reasonably so as to create a higher price

    2020-11-08 Breeding foxes there are four points need focus attention fox gear there are very
  • Diagnosis and treatment of Fox Eperythrozoonosis

    Diagnosis and treatment of Fox Eperythrozoonosis

    Fox eperythrozoonosis is an infectious disease caused by eperythrozoon attached to the surface of fox red blood cells and dissociated in plasma. In July 2003, a fox with elevated body temperature, dyspnea and nosebleed was found in a breeding park in a certain city. The disease was diagnosed as fox eperythrozoonosis by on-site clinical symptom observation, pathological examination and laboratory diagnosis. The diagnosis and treatment are introduced as follows. 1 the incidence of the disease was found in 2 households specialized in fox farming in a city's breeding park on July 2, 2003.

  • Electrical stimulation semen collection technique of white raccoon dog

    Electrical stimulation semen collection technique of white raccoon dog

    In recent years, colored fur has continued to be popular in the fur market, which has led to the breeding fever of colored fur animals. As one of the few colored raccoon dogs, raccoon dogs are heating up rapidly. in 2005, the price of male animals has exceeded 4000 yuan, far more than other fur animals, and even more than imported Finnish foxes. There is no lack of hype here, but the main reason is the shortage of raccoon dogs. Because the reproduction of white raccoon dog is dominant inheritance, its own reproduction has the objective existence of lethal gene, so white raccoon dog must be used to mate with common raccoon dog.

  • The Ministry of Agriculture is most concerned about the implementation of permitted fishing gear and transitional fishing gear for marine fishing.

    The Ministry of Agriculture is most concerned about the implementation of permitted fishing gear and transitional fishing gear for marine fishing.

    In order to strengthen the management of fishing gear, consolidate the achievements of the special action on cleaning up and rectifying illegal fishing gear, and protect marine fishery resources, according to the Fisheries Law of the people's Republic of China, the regulations on the Conservation of Biological Resources in the Bohai Sea and the Action platform for the Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources in China

    2015-12-26 Ministry of Agriculture on implementation marine fishing permissible fishing gear and for
  • Why is it so difficult to renovate the "no-home network"?

    Why is it so difficult to renovate the

    Why is it so difficult to renovate the "no-home network"?

  • Analysis on the adjustment technology of truss trawl fishing gear and fishing method

    Analysis on the adjustment technology of truss trawl fishing gear and fishing method

    At present, the production of truss trawling shrimp has become one of the important modes of marine fishing in coastal fishing areas, and the proportion of its output value in the whole marine fishery output value is increasing year by year. As this mode of operation is a single ship bottom truss trawl operation, its gear design, assembly, operation adjustment and fishing ground selection and other links are relatively technical, so a little negligence will affect the shrimp production. In particular, the adjustment technology in truss trawl operation is the key to fishing production technology, such as this phenomenon is often encountered in production practice: the same

  • What are the breeding techniques of mantis shrimp? How to catch mantis shrimp?

    What are the breeding techniques of mantis shrimp? How to catch mantis shrimp?

    Mantis shrimp is a common shrimp, very common in coastal areas, its meat is delicious, loved by the broad masses, so more and more people breed mantis shrimp. So what are the breeding techniques of mantis shrimp? How to catch mantis shrimp? I. Pippi

    2020-11-11 Skin shrimp culture technology what how fishing skin
  • A comprehensive introduction to the breeding of colored foxes and raccoons

    A comprehensive introduction to the breeding of colored foxes and raccoons

    The hybridization between fox and arctic fox has attracted more and more attention in the production and sale of fox skin. The main reason is that the plush quality of its hybrid offspring is better than that of its parents, which overcomes the shortcomings of silver and black fox needle hair long and thick, and Arctic fox needle hair short, fine, hair easy to tangle and so on. The hybrid fox has rich fluff, flat needle hair and bright color, so it has higher commodity value. 1. Production of hybrid foxes at present, most hybrid foxes are produced by artificial insemination.

  • Introduction of common breeding types of foxes

    Introduction of common breeding types of foxes

    Nowadays, people have all kinds of pets, and this has led to the development of special farming projects in rural areas. Today, let's talk about the breeds of foxes. At present, there are two genera of foxes raised in the world, namely, the genus Foxus and the arctic fox and the variants of these two genera. It is found in the genus Fox.

    2020-11-27 Foxes common breeding type breed introduction present human breeding
  • Breeding techniques of colored foxes

    Breeding techniques of colored foxes

    Fox is a member of the canine family, which is divided into two genera. There are silver foxes (silver and black foxes), red foxes and colored foxes, while arctic foxes have blue foxes and colored arctic foxes. Color fox and color sample polar fox are mutants from coat color variation, because the coat color variation of foxes is carried out under natural conditions, and the general mutation rate is only 1/100000 or 1/1000000. Scarcity is precious, and a piece of high-quality colored fox skin costs as much as thousands of dollars. Foreign countries have studied and raised colored foxes for more than 50 years, and now there are more than 30 kinds of colored foxes. To develop as soon as possible

  • Measures to Keep Female Foxes Litter Live

    Measures to Keep Female Foxes Litter Live

    The foxes before weaning are called cubs. The foxes live in stable conditions in the womb before birth and are not easily affected by harmful external factors. After birth, living conditions change dramatically from gas exchange, nutrient intake and waste elimination through the placenta to spontaneous respiration, food intake and excretion. Because the adjustment function of all aspects of young fox is not perfect, the sudden change of environmental conditions is easy to cause diseases and even death of young fox. In order to improve the survival rate of young foxes, the following measures are proposed for reference

  • Renovating the "Household net" to ensure the Sustainable Utilization of Fishery Resources

    Renovating the

    At present, driven by economic interests, different forms of "isolated nets" are still used in specific waters and specific periods of time in some places, and it is still common to use prohibited fishing gear and "three nots" vessels to engage in fishing illegally. In response to this, the Minister of Agriculture

    2016-03-20 Regulation " no household network " protection fisheries resources sustainability utilization
  • Problems existing in China's Fox Industry and some suggestions

    Problems existing in China's Fox Industry and some suggestions

    In the past 20 years, the fox industry in China has made great progress, but through a systematic investigation on the current situation of fox farmers in the past 10 years, we have found some noticeable problems affecting reproduction and fur quality. The details are reported as follows. 1 feeding and feed at present, fox farms (households) all over the country are raised in single cages in hospitals; full-price feed is used to add corn flour, sea fish, freshwater fish, beef liver, various meat leftovers, and a small amount of other ingredients to cook

  • How much does a wild fox skin cost? Is it a state protected animal? Can I keep it as a pet? What are farming techniques?

    How much does a wild fox skin cost? Is it a state protected animal? Can I keep it as a pet? What are farming techniques?

    Generally speaking, foxes are also called red foxes, silver foxes, white foxes, black foxes, red foxes and grass foxes. Mainly fish, mussels, shrimp, crabs, rodents, birds, insects small animals for food, sometimes also ingest some plants. How much does a wild fox skin cost? is

    2020-11-11 wild raw fox skin price more less money one yes country
  • Is the fox a cat or a canine? What is the purpose of the tail?

    Is the fox a cat or a canine? What is the purpose of the tail?

    We generally say foxes are actually called red foxes, grass foxes and red foxes. When we talk about foxes, we will think of cunning. The reason why foxes are cunning is that foxes have a very sensitive sense of smell and hearing, and they will run away quickly with a little movement. The species of foxes

    2020-11-11 Fox yes cat or canine animal tail what?
  • A collection of pictures of fox breeds

    A collection of pictures of fox breeds

    A collection of pictures of fox breeds

  • The technology of raising fox artificially

    The technology of raising fox artificially

    Foxes are valuable fur animals, which can be divided into silver and black foxes, grass foxes, red foxes, arctic foxes, Ma foxes and pearl foxes according to their different colors. Nowadays, blue foxes and silver foxes raised everywhere belong to Arctic fox and silver-black fox breeds. Their foxes are colorful, fluff is dense and thick, needle hair is tall and straight and soft, and the plate is thin and strong, so the leather is expensive and is not known as "soft gold" in the international market. 1. The reproductive characteristics of foxes the effective reproductive life of foxes can reach 6 to 8 years, giving birth to one child a year, and generally in estrus from February to March.

  • Strengthening the monitoring of foxes during puppy production can improve the survival rate of foxes

    Strengthening the monitoring of foxes during puppy production can improve the survival rate of foxes

    The traditional way to manage the breeding period of foxes is to keep as quiet as possible, and it is strictly forbidden for breeders to disturb female foxes who are giving birth. However, the Jinsha Special Animal Farm in Luozhuang District, Linyi City, Shandong Province has taken a completely opposite approach, allowing the breeders to take the initiative to

    2020-11-08 Breeding fox strengthening puppy period guardianship can improve young fox
  • The breeding Prospect of Fox

    The breeding Prospect of Fox

    The breeding Prospect of Fox
